Celebrate Wins, Reflections


Start today.
Never stop.

This is it. When you understand how the body works, and nourish it with the right food and exercise, you will live a healthier life and se better results. You will live the life you imagine.

Move it—

  • endorphins run wild
  • mental endurance
  • body-conquering training
  • grind and unwind
  • gloves on. sticks raised

Know it—

  • celebrate… you
  • move through life lighter
  • the miracle that is your body

Nourish it—

  • real, wholesome goodness
  • at your best inside and out
  • with conscious care

Feel the moment. Go all in. Love your life.

Motivating, right? Thank you, Lifetime marketing materials!

I’ve been away to focus on marathon training, enjoy a month-long trip abroad, and now cleaning up. I enjoyed the catchphrases in this booklet, so I kept it. Now that I’ve written them down, I’m ready to let it go. More to come later—

Bucket List, Celebrate Wins, Reflections

What’s On Your Bucket List?

I celebrated the end of Biggest Loser at work with a (deconstructed?) burger.


I even had a mini-burger the day the day before the final weigh in. So what? Who cares? I put in the effort. I’ve seen results. I’ve already won.

Besides, anything beef is truly a treat because I rarely buy it — and it was on sale.

It turns out I won, shedding at least 12-13 lbs in 3 months. Technically, I lost 17 lbs by the numbers, but I had started off with a suit jacket back in February and at the very end they told me to take off items I usually have on like my shoes. To be honest, it could’ve been close. Easter weekend was the one week where everyone (except me) gained weight, up to 3% worth. The way I see it:

He who fails to plan is planning to fail.
— Winston Churchill

In any case, I imagine Biggest Loser at any workplace is fairly easy to win, depending on whether a (semi-)focused competitor like me joins. The prize was a gift card to TGIF’s. I suppose it’s more fitting than the Ben and Jerry’s gift certificate the YMCA gave out for its Lose It to Win It session.

The end of a chapter: weight loss

Simply because, I am enough.

It’s unfortunate how obsessed our culture is with being thin versus being fit. I went through a trial week at a new gym whereby on the first page, I was asked to fill out:

The weight I was happiest at ___________________________

To which I wrote, “As I am.”

Why would a gym want to know this anyway? In all fairness, it was a smaller, more intimate gym that holds their members accountable for showing up. That is, if members missed two or so sessions, which is a week’s worth of classes, they’d call to check in. Presumably they’d check in with their members’ goals, one of which could be to lose weight. Maybe it has shock value because I imagine someone would’ve asked in person, not on paper.

Reflecting on this more, I’m finding this to be an increasingly thought-provoking line. To answer it, I was happiest when I was about 60 pounds, back when I was in fifth grade. It was a time of exploration and challenge, when I enjoyed the gift of delayed gratification, and a milestone year fraught with transitions. I also did not know my weight back then.

What’s the next quest?

Thanks to Biggest Loser for allowing me have a focus — a commitment to uphold — I’ve started acting on goals in my “when I can get around to it” bucket list. They include:

  • Building a garden in the backyard — starting out with rows of cherry tomatoes for what I hope will be a bountiful harvest
  • Improv class in June — to think on my feet more, tap into some dormant creativity, and not take myself too seriously
  • Sewing class from end of June to August — to hone what I hope to be a lifelong skill and finally take out the sewing machine I bought years ago

The idea for a bucket list was inspired by a fellow friend who’s creating a documentary on how he’s fulfilling his mother’s bucket list after she was laid off from her workplace of 12 years (50+ in the industry). This is truly the ultimate mother’s day gift. Check it out!

Source: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1404267082/duty-free-a-documentary-film

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
― Jim Ryun

Celebrate Wins

Go Shed Your Deadweight

When something bogs me down over time, I inevitably reach a breakpoint — not to be confused with a breaking point. I don’t give way. Instead, I pivot and change.

I won’t go into the psychology behind this, but vacuuming all my carpets has given me an extra hop in my steps. The house looks brighter, the air feels cleaner, and my mind seems less cluttered. This is the kind of placebo effect I can get used to. Once I’ve vacuumed the floor, I start organizing items to continue the cleaning streak. One week’s worth of trash? Out the door. Piles of books on the coffee table? I’ll organize them by topic and place the easy reads closer to me so that I can return them sooner. Refrigerator filling up? Make a tub-full of no-cooking-required salad.

Lists are definitely the way to go when it comes to stopping procrastination in its tracks by reflecting on what I’d like done. Wash dishes? Check. Do laundry? Check. Workout for an hour? Check.

More Than Chores, Exercise the Mind

Can is a powerful word, and so is can’t. Ever heard of this quote:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t— you’re right.”
— Henry Ford

Taming my inner voice, that’s what I want. I’m currently having trouble keeping in check is my self-talk and other thoughts. I stepped on a scale today and silently thought, “Really? Whoops.” One distinct moment that helped trigger these types of thoughts was when the fitness instructor spoke about burning inches off the waist and how it’s bikini season. I don’t get self-conscious with those comments so much as I grow heightened awareness that I didn’t appreciate these types of unintentionally, body-shaming comments. Yet I internalize them.

Mind over matter, right?

Now I’m listening to Reset by BTS Tiger JK — I wanna reset.  Queue more music — Try by Colbie Caillat.

And… now back to meditation. And later, planning for the Biggest Loser challenge.

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
— Arthur Ashe